JBH2TsVjTX0cvgHzuQHpvcCayA1mvhG9Cgb0xBU6Fs93x3woxtGov3DhFtCqGXUpw3ThCcV2uQP3Kg94JMCqCXUaGNSaGNScJdrhCATjvAq9CgH1whDfvhLXv2rpwcCaTgfmvW1sxQrfJMDov256TRDpCd48wAZ0uWVeJMDHGNOaH0arSs0oHcUqFNYaFdKnGMUrws40CXYaGMUruXY0GW43HXKqGterGXKqHdw4GXG0Ss42CXUaGM0oHWUrFNZtFM40FNYnGM0rye0rHMUsMXZdFM42CXUnGMUoHW0rCXZtFdKaGMUrCXZiGNLdFdSaGWUrFM40CXYnGRGnFdKnGM0rFNZ6NNY1CXYsMXZdFM42CXUnGMUoHW0rCXZtFdKaGMUrCXZiGNLdFdSaGWUrFM40CXYnGRGnFdKnGM0rFNZ6Cc8+JW9hJdqpw3ThJai=English speaking freemasons in Brussels - Lodge Allegiance | Home

Welcome to Scottish Freemasonry in Belgium!

Active as a Lodge in Belgium since 1951, we meet monthly at our premises in Brussels.

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Thanks for visiting the site of Lodge Allegiance

an english speaking lodge of Freemasons in Brussels.

The name “ALLEGIANCE” was chosen to convey loyalty to the Grand Lodge of Scotland, as well as gratitude to Lodge Wellington, the Mother Lodge of many of our Founder Members. 

The emblem of our Lodge reflects the custom in olden times of a candidate for knighthood, before being knighted, passing a night of vigil before the altar with his sword clasped in both hands, the emblem thus illustrating our name, and to this were added poppies and thistles to symbolise the links with Belgium and Scotland.

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